Thanx Life
Thanx Life


The opportunities to live....


I am thankful for 8 months of being clean and serene. My drug addictions were a psychological problem. I have recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and spirit. I turned my unmanageable life over to the care of my Creator.     Sam I Am


The day and the light that it brings to my heart and mind. And for the stain of passion written across my consciousness left by the teachers who never left this one's big party. Love b


I'm suffering from depression right now but I'm thankful for my supportive mother, my kitties, my fab friends, my travels, my talent for languages, my two passports, my beautiful memories...


I am thankful for my incredibly patient mentor and that I got introduced to the teachings... :)


I am extremely thankful for all the wonderful opportunities I get everyday to awaken and be grateful. I am thankful for the unasked gifts life brings to me.


I am thankful for my great family that gives me the opportunity to love, learn and be loved.


I am filled with overwhelming gratitude at times for the Teaching Ideas and their effect on one's inner state when applied. Vital interest it is indeed. Best to all.


thanks Robert Gibson you are wonderful and I love you forever


I am thankful for my family, girlfriend, friends, brain, healthy body, values, personality, nature, mountains, cut grass, tax returns, fragrance of mountain laurels, floating in water, music of all kinds, education, skills learned, physics, love, coffee ice cream, and many more things.


I'm thankful for the teachings, friends, my beautiful daughter, wonderful husband, delightful pets, the extraordinary place I live, my landlords, the people who work for us and our garden. I am grateful to be what to me is a good guest at the moment.  And thanks for the other posts, they were truly touching to me!


Thanks Life for the Teaching and the challenge of caring for one leaving the party. JohnB


I am thankful simply for being...the list is too long!


I am grateful for being sensitive and open to what is happening, for my teacher who has been so amazing and patient with me & I'm so very grateful for my dog who has the sweetest soul I've ever encountered.


Thanks Life for the Teaching and the challenge of applying it to living with the 16 year old grandson.   John B.


I am thankful for Everything I still don't how to be thankful for. I guess it ain't over yet.


I am thankful for Christine Thompson and her contribution to Life. And for the quality time and energy spent with X with no apparent reward. Now, the passing of a mahatma - a great soul - Thank you. Good Journeys.


I will be 74 years old in July, I have 4 healthy children.  My 42 year old baby girl, just gave birth to a healthy baby girl on the 9th of March.  At last I get to play the role of Grandmother!  There isn't enough space here to express my gratitude for all that I have, and all the beauty I see in this world.   Lavena


Life is more exciting than I thought. I looked inside me and I found that I am wonderfully and intelligently made. I looked around and saw everything is beautiful. I looked up and saw that there is someone very intelligent, wise and loving being has designed and keeping it going. I could see Him all the more when I started thanking Him.


I got a puppy for my birthday, his name is Jerzy. I am thankful to my Dad for getting him for me. Matthew


I am thankful for love, life, and all life has to offer good or bad. After all there is a reason for everything or anything that ever happens. Rather those things teach us, inspire us, or influence us, a result occurs and gives exclamation for any event rather good or bad. Even if you are not thankful now when you look back you will be, and only then you learn gratitude the true feeling of thankfulness.


We are so thankful Arnie is home from Iraq, safe and sound.


I'm thankful for my family. Without them I would not have the will to go on. My children are doing good in school and staying out of trouble as much as kids can. So THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! If I could just get my cougar fixed.


Here it is Thanksgiving and the site is down...but no matter thankfulness exists and is expressed in attitude. Love to all


Thank you Dr. H.S. for your compassionate service.


Thank you life for the beauty of my surroundings, I feel so blessed. L.T.


I am grateful that my book finally is published. J.


I LOVE my new Acura, I am soooooooo thankful. Thanks Mom and Dad!!! Sarah


Thank you for Dr Bob and his friends, I am grateful every day for their work. Dorothy


I am thankful for my new skateboard. My mom made me write this but i am thankful anyway.


Thanks for teaching


I am bursting with gratitude that my husband cleaned out the garage at last! Thank you Life, Thank you Johnny


I am thankful to be a part of two creative entities (jazz and theatre) which has had such a marvtastic effect on my life!!


What a cool site. Thanks to the person that showed it to me.


I am most thankful I was home to hear the water dripping through the ceiling into our living room. I am most thankful I knew how to turn the water off. I am most thankful the water drained onto the carpet instead of the furniture. I am most thankful the plumber was in the neighborhood and could replace the broken pipe. Its been an eXtraordinary day!! Thanxs LIFE!!!


So grateful for a simply beautiful day.


Bursting with gratitude over how easy it is to use the new Mac Book program to set up websites, blogs, podcasts, all that stuff, and that it finally makes sense! :)


Thanks for the new digs, they're great!


ThanX for this teaching: seeking signs and wonders from the teaching is adolescent.


ThanX for the pits; an opportunity to see where I am and what's going on, and what I can do.


I'm so grateful for our kitty's safe return.


so thankful for Oliver's safe return.


Thanks for my friends' nice thoughts when they know I need it.


Thank you St. Jude for favour received. Amanda


Thanx Life: I am so blessed to have a wonderful Aunt - who just happens to be one of the coolest people in the world - in my life.


Boy it is chilly here! I am SO thankful for the heat in our house.


Thank you Life, for those who have given the teaching to me and loved me unconditionally. Thank you life for the beauty of nature, the animals. Thank you for giving me the most wonderful husband and child. They are so much more wonderful than I could ever imagine, I never thought I would ever get to experience anything like being a wife and Mother!


I am so thankful for my cute, clever cats and my smart, strong little dog . . . they always make me smile!


ThanX for the neurostimulator for my daughter. It is a remarkable gift.


I lost 11 pounds, only 9 to go!!


It is hard to remember to be thankful sometimes, so, OK, here goes. Overall, things really are great, and the minor annoyances, well,I wouldn't want to trade them for other stuff. I got a kick out of some of the other posts here, thanks.


I met a stranger today who was willing to help me out, no strings attached. What a blessing and I am so grateful.


I want to thank all the people who decorate their houses with lights at this time of the year. It is so beautiful, so fun. Thank you!


I am thankful for all the many blessings I've been given.


Thank you for the best holiday party ever!


We all shared a great dinner last night. Delicious food and lots of laughter.


I hired a helper for xmas and she is wonderful! Smart and hardworking. What a blessing!


I'm "bursting with gratitude" for my new Lexus! Thank you, Danny!!! Sharon


Hello all, I am new to this teaching stuff, (on tape 10) but already I notice a difference in myself and my relationships. I am overwhelmed with this new way of life and I cannot thank my dear friend enough for introducing it to me. I always new there was a better way :-)


Thank you everyone for your beautiful comments about the teaching website. With no counter, I didn't know there were so many of you receiving value from the transcriptions. Also thank you X for the reunion of our family and grandchildren (cousins) after a long difficult challenge. And finally, thank you for a new student to the teachings, who lives nearby, to listen to the tapes with and watch each other grow, become more healthy, and see Life through a new perspective! Marsha


My son is home from Iraq. How thankful am I? Tony


OK, the thanksgiving dinner was .....awesome, I'm definitely thankful for that.


I work at the bank and saw your stamp. This site is a great idea. I am sometimes overwhelmed with gratitude, about too many things to mention. Thank you!


The birthday party was a success. Thanks!


We just had a wonderful dinner with friends; the food, the wine, the desert and best of all the company, was divine. What a treat!


I'm thankful for good friends.


Thanks, Rick for the phone call!


ThanX, Trish!!! You're the bestest!!


ThanX to Trish and Christine for getting the site up and running.




Thanks, C, for being such a fabulous hostess and making us all feel so welcome. Everything was just perfect!


Thanks X for a marvelous round of golf.


I've been reading the words of Rhondell for a couple of years now, thanx to the transcripts provided by Marsha Summers. What a valuable source of intelligence and change in my life and those around me - THANX! - Reg


Life has given me bump in my journey here. I am grateful for the love and support that is daily sent to me. I am grateful I have my sense of humor, and the laughter. I am able to smile through the physical pain, as I know it is temporary. I didn't plan on joining this particular party, but the choice was out of my control. I am trying to be a grateful guest.


I won the Lotto!! Not "really"--but when I took stock of everything today I realized that even if I HAD won the Lotto, it wouldn't be better than this. Thank you , Life, I love you always, and with all this "bonus" I just want to say--Thank You!!! It's "above and beyond"


Thank you to my family, all the teachers, children, friends and people who smile at me on the street just beacuse :)


Am I ever so grateful for the "wake up" calls!


I'm so thankful for my pretty house.


thank u jesus, my lord and savior, who with out nothing would be posible


Thanks Life for this nagging back pain increasing the necessity to experiment with FTE, Mountain Climbing, and Self-remembering.


I'm with the person who made a comment on October 14, 2004. Thank You Jesus for everything!!! Without you, I wouldn't exist. Please help everyone to come to know you!


i thank nature for making its source, balance and energy available to all its creatures


Thanks X for my son, .For Bill, and the teachings.


i like quantum leap and the 80's, 'cause i wasn't here for them and they were kool!!!


I'm grateful that a five-day having-company spree went off without a hitch, including what has to be divine intervention--airport pick-ups and deliveries of guests that were timed perfectly. Sometimes things DO work out very nicely!! ThanX, too for lovely friends who are great guests.


Thanx to Jerry Van Amerongen and his cartoon Ballard Street which today shows Man studiously making some notes and the caption reads, "Hoping to feel better about himself, Hugh plans to be someone completely different."


Thanks for an enjoyable Thanksgiving Day. All the cooking, and cleaning and entertaining went smoothly and pleasantly.


Thanx to daughter and grandson for hosting a wonderful thanksgiving.


Grateful for Friends along the Way and particularly for the Guest invitation into your home, Chris. The Food is soooooo nourishing! ThanX! xoxo ht


I thank God every day for a sense of humor. How do people get through without it???


Thank you Marsha for all your hard work on your website. I am so very grateful. Thank you Thank you.


Thanks for EVERYTHING!!!


Thanks for a wonderful meal, lovingly prepared, in a small town restaurant. The weather was very cold and rainy, and not many places were open. It will be long remembered.


Thanks for the teaching.


Thanks for really good guests!


I am in search for a friend who introduced me to Life. Chris Cosby if you are out there, please contact me. -Keli K. (Gainesville, FL - now Moscow, Idaho) I would also like to thank Marsha Summers for her amazing website work. It is such a great resource.


ThanX Life for providing this great school and realizing that it is...xoxo ht


Yes, thanX to X for the ever present blessings that you bring to my life! Words are meager substitutes for the Love you bring to me. THANK YOU!!!!! Life is SUCH a privilege!!!!!!!


Give IT full Freedom Stand with IT and let It act. Stand in IT and by It. There is no other power to act. This makes steady progress, like a glacier coming down the mountain. You are steadily moving forward and gaining a momentum, against which nothing else can stand. It is an Infallible momentum, Power, and Means of achievement of all good things. There is only One Power that acts. Give It full Freedom


Thanx, Trish, for cleaning up the garbage someone threw on the site.


Thanx Christine for Chez. The seeds planted are beginning to sprout.


When I first embarked on a way to understand life (especially MY precious life) I was told: "you are wearing foggy lenses; this information will give you an opportunity to get rid of them." I am SOOOOO grateful that I can see what I couldn't see before. I humbly (and greedily) pray to expand this vision.


Thanx for clarity.


Thanx for the "unusual behavior"


Seeing so much misery fills my heart with deepest appreciation and gratitude for the Teaching....ThanX a Million


thanx for 60 years at the party!!


Thanx for "what is"---each designed with an opportunity to discover my oneness with You.


I received a gift which I had requested (prayed for?) from Life; this gift was accompanied by many "components" which I did not anticipate and which have been quite challenging in figuring how to use (manipulate?!). Now that I've had this gift awhile, I am truly grateful - for the gift itself, and the unforeseen knowing I've gained. Thank you Life, and thank you jt, for all of it.


Thank you Life, for the beauty you give. Thank you for the challenges. Thank you for giving me the ability to love. S.R.


I've lived in many places around the world, and am very grateful to be living here, now.


'I AM the Commanding Presence', the exhaustless energy, the Divine Wisdom, causing my desire to be fulfilled.


I am THANKFUL to be in a community of people in "The Work" again. TomC


ThanX for life and the teachings about how to live life on life's terms.


Thanx X - so I didn't get what I wanted so much this past week - I'll just trust you have something better in store for me. Get me! I'm grateful for 2nd force. I'm different than I used to be. Thanx again.


Thanks for 6 out of 6 children sleeping right now and for the privilege of spending my days with young ones. That goes for all the resistences that go along with it that turn me into a patient person :) Paulette and for good moods, good food and good jokes


Not a day goes by that I'm not thankful for the teaching.


Grateful that we were able to close and sell our family house and that the buyers don't want to tear it down but refurbish and refresh it! That's one in a thousand buyers. Also, that the house has survived the hurricanes in Florida of the last few years! It's a great old house. And grateful to be in the new cottage in old town West Palm Beach, with beautiful coconut trees and green and gekos and contributing from right here in the "Bahama Room". And that the family is getting along fine with all the legal work. whohoo!


I am THANKFUL that X does not let us cheat. Whatever our inner state is gets expressed in our moods, bodies, relationships, income, etc. These don't change or transform until we do. Whether I like it or not I stay where I am until I truly re-evaluate what is happening within. At times, this is not easy to be with, but it is of great value.


To all the spammers out there that have found their way here: as a regular visitor to this site, I would be very grateful if you would stop posting here; this site is pretty basic - as it says on the home page, it's not about selling. Thanks


Trish tells me that the spammers are not even reading the site, it is all automatic, they have robots or spiders or something that search for pages that allow one to post, and then zap! I'm thankful for Trish who cleans up their mess, and does it for nothing but a sincere thank you.


I am so grateful for my pretty little house by the sea.


my bf is the hottest guy in the world i luv u branden muah


October in the desert is a little slice of heaven - thanks!


So excited and grateful to be going to India. Had a hunch to go and there was no money. Then made up the mind to go and there was money...and it ends up being a pretty expensive trip package too, I had no idea! Whoa! Do I not deserve this or what? Totally the luckiest guy on earth! ThanXlife!


I apologize for inadvertently deleting the post about a great dinner in LA; the writer expressed gratitude for the meal, the chef, the value. As I was deleting the many spam posts, I also deleted that post.  Please post again!      Sincerely, the webmistress.


Everyone thinks they know one's purpose in doing something. Very few actually do. I am so grateful for those few who do, it eases the burden of tough going. Thank you, with sincere humility.


A running canyon stream, a brief shower and California bay laurel is heaven scent.


THANK YOU Christine for the opportunity have some of Rhondell's wisdom. The auction was a great success and a great gift.


thanx homie for that food you bought me a mickey d's


That there are Workers on the planet at all now, however few they may be. And for the information that Dr. Bob presented to work with! Each and every day and moment. Joy, Happiness, Harmony and Love to each and all Workers in these interesting times and throughout the upcoming season. You have each made a difference in the lives of so many here, a small contribution. And even when seemingly "in-sane" (which of course means to go sane :) Thank you!


Thanku I loooooooooooove life!!! From Anonymous


I am SO thankful to be, finally, out of debt. Also a prayer that I will pay more attention, not get into THAT racket again!! S.


I absolutely love this ws. this is a great website 2 go to if u r thankful 4 something! well, i am a gurl named sammy nollins from cali and i just want 2 say THANX!


I am thankful for my 2 new kittens Darla, and Alfie!


Thank YOU, Sammy! Wishing a lovely holiday season to you and yours. christine


I am thankful for my mom's "no bake" cookies.


It's been attributed to several, and it doesn't matter WHO said it... "If the only prayer you ever utter is Thank You, it will be enough." Randy


I am so grateful for the guardian angels that watched over me as a child.


ThanX for working to heal the wounds of a recent medical procedure.


I am so grateful to be able to spend time with my family.


All the gifts I ordered online came with free shipping. How cool is that?!


and The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. Thank you.


thanks life for all the spectacular moments. it's a great honour to remember them and acknowledge.


thanks for giving me what I need particularly when it isn't what I want.


Fihi Ma Fihi It is what it is Thanks


Thanks for the discomforts and disappointments, without them there would be no learning.


Thanks for the healing.


Thanks C. for the recent third degree experience. love, j


Thanx for the teaching so I might learn from Adaptations.


A brand new Harley Davidson landed in James's lap without effort at an auction and as a gift from LIFE. It's fun to observe James in relation to the shiny, sexy, Harley, and so many other people's dual-istic opinions about it! Haven't seen much of this area of self, little "s", before! And James in his first ever motorcycle course! Fun!


ThanX for the Teaching and the Gift of serving. ht


I am so lucky to have the people in my life that I do, who stand by me no matter how often I let my soft heart guide my better judgement. Thank you everyone. Especially you Kevin.


Thank you to LIFE for being able to have so much fun each and every morning, noon, night! And with wisdom informing all! If I'd done all the things as a kid I'm doing now, scuba, painting, motorcycle, balancing board, and sooooo much more, I wouldn't be enjoying all the fun in discovering these fantastic adventures now! Read on a coffee cup: "It's never too late to have a Happy Childhood!" Yo!

---- be just livin'


I'm so thankful for my beautiful new office and all that G. did to make it happen.


Just to express that so grateful for the Work we can do and enjoy each day and Rumi's, Be always bewildered in God...for as we know...Life is not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be lived. Grateful also for the inherent spaces built into the Maps we can all enjoy, the mysteries to be lived.


A woman received a phone call from her sitter that her daughter was sick with a high fever. She left work and stopped by the pharmacy for medication. Returning to her car, she found she had locked her keys inside. She didn't know what to do. She called her home to talk to the sitter, and was told her daughter was getting worse. The sitter said, "Find a coat hanger and use that to open the door." The woman found an old rusty coat hanger on the ground, then looked at the hanger and said, "I don't know how to use this." She bowed her head and asked God for help. An old rusty car pulled up, driven by a dirty, greasy, bearded man with a biker skull rag on his head. The woman thought, "Great God. This is what you sent to help me?" But she was desperate, and thankful. The man got out of his car and asked if he could help She said, "Yes, my daughter is very sick. I must get home to her. Please, can you use this hanger to unlock my car? " He said, "SURE." He walked over to the car and in seconds the car door was opened. She hugged the man and through her tears she said, "THANK YOU SO MUCH.... You are a very nice man." He replied, "Lady, I ain't a nice man. I just got out of prison for car theft." The woman hugged him again and cried out loud, "THANK YOU, GOD, FOR SENDING ME A PROFESSIONAL."


X, thank you so so much for waking me from the dark and creating me. Praised be the Lord, My one and only God


Thanks for all the pain, suffering and what you're doing to my eye.


Thanks for the great liver you gave me, and the strength in my neck to carry on. May you be glorified for ever and ever and much more. May we all meet in your great Kingdom, and live all in your righteousness for ever and ever. Rich and poor, small and great, man and woman.


Thanks for the great work day yesterday. People teamed up, were productive, and got along!


ThanX to Trish who already has two real jobs and spent her entire weekend (and several previous evenings) getting the site to work, and truly as a labor of love. What a gal!!


Cool, it works!


A woman with whom I worked recently retired. She taught me about people and naturally had so many qualities seen in a true leader. She never actively "led" anyone. She always did what she said she was going to do. I am grateful to have known her.


School's out for the summer!!! YEAH!


I have some really cool people in my life.


I am deeply grateful for my pretty little house.


Creation needs resistance. Without resistance whatever the form, I cannot grow. Thanks for the soil (resistance) into which this seed (I) has been planted.


I got a surprise package--a big one!! of JellyBelly's today--thanks, Sammy!!


ThanX for the peach ripened with your glorious fullness.


I'm thankful to be here today. The doctors feel I should have died last week. Something about a kidney. Oh well, it is beautiful outside.


I'm so thankful for my beautiful new closet!


Yesterday I was taking a rare break and thumbing through a fancy catalog and indulging in a little self-pity because I couldn't afford the pretty things that appealed to me. My ten month old baby was propped up at the end of the couch and as I glanced at her she broke out in the biggest sunshine smile, almost like she was laughing at me. You know what I'm thankful for, and thankfulness sure feels better than self-pity! And thanks to whoever put up this site.


My friend sent me a birthday card with your unusual stamp. So I checked it out--way cool. I hadn't given it much thought what I'm thankful for. I realize that I'm thankful for a whole bunch of stuff. Thanks, Steve, and yeah Thanks life. Barry


The beautiful blue and silver Harley Davidson bought and paid for! Now it has a name too, "LUCKY". Took it out of the playground (that is, the are around the neighborhood) and way across the main boulevard and then down the Flagler Avenue by the lake. It was twilight, the lights were over the lake. The water was still and beautiful! The wind, the sound, wow.


I thank life every day for the of my existence.


Thank you for taking care of my fathers and for your kindness towards them.


Thank you life and Jeremy for the best birthday ever! s.g.


With the wars in the Middle East and those playing at wars to gain all pleasure and escape all pain, ThanX Life for the more than 90% of the human race that is not at those games and at peace! ThanX for the LOVE all around each and every ONE on this planet--whatever game he or she plays, liked or disliked--and at each precious moment and that All is Well.


I am so thankful that B. Gibson came into my life many years ago and lit a light that is still shining. I miss him every day although he lives in my heart. Wendy R.


Thanks for this beautiful Life!


Thanks for the teachers.


Thank you for the experiences.


I am "bursting with gratitude" for the cool weather. Nice site.


ThanX for Needs met...ThanX for Sane Friends...ThanX for Family & Friends thoughtfulness in giving Surprise Birthday Parties...ThanX Life!


There is no one on the planet more grateful at this moment than I am.


I just realized my big problems are truly minor annoyances. It's like swatting at a fly instead of...well, a swarm of killer bees. Thanks for the wake-up call.


I got my new bunny slippers for my birthday. I am so happy. My mom helped me type this. Thank you for my pretty new slippers. From Kyla, age SIX!!


I am so grateful when others are willing to share the fruits of their labor, whether it be the yummy chocolate chip cookies they made, or the "how" to a math problem, or sharing how they fixed something.  Thank You!


What a cool site. Thanks to the person that showed it to me.


I am most thankful I was home to hear the water dripping through the ceiling into our living room. I am most thankful I knew how to turn the water off. I am most thankful the water drained onto the carpet instead of the furniture. I am most thankful the plumber was in the neighborhood and could replace the broken pipe. Its been an eXtraordinary day!! Thanxs LIFE!!!


So grateful for a simply beautiful day.


Bursting with gratitude over how easy it is to use the new Mac Book program to set up websites, blogs, podcasts, all that stuff, and that it finally makes sense! :)


Thanks for the new digs, they're great!